Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Happy Thoughts on a Bad Day

I really don't like 9/11.  I hate the memories.  The worries about my friends who were working in the area.  Their friends.  How people that I don't know want me dead.  How the world all came together and now we're at each others throats. 

Yesterday wasn't a great day- I had appointments that got confused, we're still working on staffing issues and then I offered to scoot out early to get the kids at school so my husband could get a haircut.  He's been working like a crazy man- his classes all have 47+ in them, he is probably going to lose his prep period (he's a teacher) so he have smaller classes- the man deserved a hair cut.  Then my son had jiu jitsu which is when I work out.  Followed by an open house at the school.  We've all that day.  I had the same on Friday.  Nothing bad, just busy and life throwing things at me.

Oh- and I got my period.

Which I knew, during my 30 day detox was going to happen.

I'm also not supposed to be weighing myself daily.  I am.  It's more from a scientific standpoint to discredit how the number means nothing.  I can wake up at 6 am to pee, read for an hour and then magically drop a pound.  Or gain one. 

I will say, however, that when I don't weigh myself I do let it creep back on.  As I've mentioned in earlier blogs, I've lost probably close to 1,000 pounds.  I just unfortunately have found them all.

I weighed myself Sunday, put on .4 lbs, knew that "my special time" was coming and just avoided it yesterday morning.  So, already not liking today because of the date, I went ahead and got on to see what the damage would be.

I'm down 2 pounds from the .4 gain (I have a zero scale- you can set it to not show your weight, just your changes- it's awesome).

I lost weight?  On what's basically the first day of my period? 

That has never happened. 

And I don't have cramps.  Or bloating. 

No joke.

If that's not an incentive to cut out sugar, grains, dairy and beans, I don't know what is.

Scale aside, that's pretty amazing.

But wait there's more....

I put on a pair of pants that I had in the back of the closet.  They've been lose off and on during various weight gains and losses. They also were tight for awhile not long ago (last year).

They look like clown pants.

I threw on a blousy shirt that usually hung a little snugly around my belly.  It hangs like it's supposed to hang.

I put on a very light sweater and the arms are loose.  Well, they fit. 

I thought about changing pants, but I'm not going to.  I want to wear them today,on this crappy day, to remind myself that I can do this.  That I have done so much already.

I had a great workout last night.  My jogging is slowly becoming running.  My walking jogging.  And I still walk a little on my laps- but much faster than I did.  I have my waitress walk back.  I'm slowly dropping the resistance/counterweight on my pull-ups.  It's about 20 lbs less than my body weight.  Not impressive.... yet.  Every week, I drop 15lbs off the counter weight.  I am flying through my abs.  Might be time to add some weight to that.  I am holding to my commitment of being the sweatiest person in the gym.  I swear when people see me push it, they go a little harder themselves. 

So today, on the crappiest day of the year, I did a little happy dance in front of the mirror.  All my hardwork is finally paying off and I feel good.

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