Monday, May 28, 2012

Restarting the weight loss blog... but with a different focus

I decided to revive this blog.  I will link it to my more popular, varied blog Mama Bean's World.

I've learned a lot in the past year specifically about my weight issues.

#1- I eat very well most of the time.
#2- Diets don't work and are demoralizing.
#3- Calories In- Calories Out = Weight Loss isn't necessarily true for me.

Okay, so before the skinny people start talking about "#3 is wrong...", good for you.  I will take a lie detector test.  I logged everything for 6 months.  I wear a heart rate monitor when I exercise- as I became more fit I burned less calories- so I am very confident I didn't underestimate my work outs. 

I was doing Weight Watchers the last time I blogged here.  I think Weight Watchers is a great place for people to start.  I really enjoyed the camaraderie with my friends.  Other than that, well, um, the points, the free fruit, the low fat, high grains-- I lost 11 pounds in 6 months.  The good news, I kept it off without paying $50 a month.  Their new program made a little more sense to me since it allowed you to eat fruit, but on the flip side, it was basically a low cal, low fat diet that assumed that I never ate fruits or vegetables.  Since I do eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, making them "free" upped my calories.  Not good.  Hence I stopped losing weight.  And i was getting very irritated when people kept implying that I wasn't tracking.  Yes, I was.  I stayed within their magic guidelines and nothing for 2 months.  NOTHING.

So I took a break, managed to stay the same for a few months, upped my workouts and still nothing. But I was $150 richer.

I had planned on starting Cross Fit this summer after a few friends had a lot of success- all at various ages  and fitness levels.  Within Cross Fit is a subculture of eating paleo or primal style.  My friend Helen has been doing this and swore by it.  It really isn't a diet.  How do I know this?  Most diets wean you off their "lifestyle change" programs.  Which, to me, implies they are, in fact diets.  Everything I've read on Paleo & Primal-- and there's a ton out there-- wean you ON.  There is no off.  Some are fanatical.  Most, however, say "Try to do this 80-85% of the time."  There is no "Eat this on Monday."  It's a list of foods to eat, things to avoid some time, things to avoid most of the time, things to avoid nearly all the time.  The mantra is "If it has a label, it isn't food."  Yep.  There is no counting.  No weighing.  Eat until you're full.  There are some tips on how to do that (if you've dieted for 20 years like me, it's a hard concept). 

When I was a kid, I got sick a lot.  I was a "picky" eater, but to be honest, I think I was just very sensitive to food.  Most of the foods I didn't like are on the list of things to avoid.  My daughter is a very healthy eater.  She does the same thing. She is thin and very energetic. Hmmm.....

I started the 80-85% phase in this past week.

I've lost 3 1/2 pounds.

More than I ever lost in 1 week on WW's.  And I never counted a single morsel.

As I said, I read a lot about it before starting it.  I was hesitant.  I was programmed to think oatmeal every day was a good thing.  I like oatmeal.  And beans?  Beans are bad.  But I AM a bean.  And I've always eaten beans because they are good for me....

Wait... what's that in the mirror?  My reflection?? 

To quote Dr. Phil "How's that workin' for ya?"

Okay.  I bite.  I'll give it a try.

I had no idea how easy it would be. 

This isn't some bizarre diet either.  It's not Atkins telling me to eat bacon.  It's a very normal diet of eating meat & fish- preferably fresh and lean (very convenient since we have a freezer full of fish we've caught and elk meat from my husband's hunting adventures).  I already switched to organic chicken last year when we noticed 1 organic chicken feed 4 adults and 2 kids with leftovers, whereas the regular chicken barely feed 2 adults and 2 kids- and tasted nasty.  The organic was well worth the price.

I can eat fruit.  If I want to lose weight, it advises to go easy-- but not at first.

Potatoes are okay in moderation, like once every 2 weeks.  

And grains- none.  I am not a bread fan, so that's okay.  But I do like corn.  And crackers.  Again, a little goes a long way.  And oatmeal?  Well, if you say so...

The bean thing threw me, but again, my reflection seems to argue their point.

Nuts are big. 

Nuts, berries, lean proteins, fruits and vegetables...  this is not crazy stuff. 

And as for my exercise regime-- I loved that all the books basically say the same thing-- exercise is a small part of weight loss.  Food is the primary thing.   Less cardio, more bursts of exercise- like our ancestors.  Natural movement.  Flexibility. 

So why not? 

And if it doesn't work... you know what?  I'm confident it will.  I approached Weight Watchers with a "we'll see what the fuss is approach"-- I believe I compared it to the third Circle of Dante's Descent into Suburban Hell-- but this, this makes sense to me. 

My friend Candi has been eating like this and has lost no weight, but feels fantastic.  Her skin is glowing.  She is sleeping well and has energy.  She started Roller Derby (did I mention I have fantastic, crazy friends??!).

I'm good with that.

I am VERY excited about Cross Fit.  I hear it's a cult- which is why I separated the blog again.  In case I start to get preachy about it.

So here I go....