Sunday, December 11, 2011

5% Gone, FINALLY!

I finally after almost 4 months, I finally hit my 5% weight loss goal!

Granted it took forever, or what seemed like forever.

While I am a huge fan of the weekly meetings, the one downside is hearing how everyone else is flying past me on their losses.  I know they are working very hard at it, and maybe if I did more, then I would be having huge losses.  I am intentionally doing this slowly- I don't want it to feel like a diet.  I know small changes got me to where I am and small changes will get me back.

I have to say, I am ecstatic about losing weight during the holiday season.  For all the people who wait to put off their health and fitness goals until January, I think they are making a big mistake.  I can only imagine how I would have had a "might as well eat everything, since I'm starting a diet after New Year's" and the damage it would have done. 

It's been a long road, but honestly if it stays at this pace, I'm good.  While I would like to lose 80 pounds by this time next spring, you know what?  Thirty-forty pounds would be more than okay.  My birthday is in January and regardless of what the number on the scale is, it will be smaller than it was last year.

A woman today hit her second 10% goal.  She's down 45 pounds.  She looked great.  She said she started out thinking that 80 pounds was a lot to loose- I honestly can't imagine her losing another 40 by the way-- but the small steps over the past year have kept her going. 

I swear, I think sometimes they plant these people or change the topic to make it fit whatever is going through my head at that moment.  And that's the bigger bonus of the meetings.  They help keep you on track and you don't feel like the lonely fat chick.

One more week down.  1.6 pounds gone.


Sunday, December 4, 2011

And the scale goes down, down, down...

Woo hoo!!  Another 1.2 pounds gone!

I as stunned because Saturday night, late, my husband and I decided to go get In N Out Burgers.  It's been a really long time since we'd done that, late at night.  And might I say, it tasted good. 

But here's what I'm learning at Weight Watchers-- it's okay.  It's not okay if I do it every day.  But once, was fine.  And I didn't feel guilty.  I really don't want this be a diet and passing on it, would have felt like dieting.  We went to 2 parties over the weekend and I had one drink at each and stuck with the veggies.  Clearly it was worth it.  I got to eat what I really wanted- the burger- rather than simply noshing on things I didn't like because they were there- like the meatballs or wings.  Or drinking all my points. 

I also need to conquer the fear I have of spiraling.  I don't want to be afraid of a cheeseburger.  Like it's the one hit that will lead to dark alleys snarfing down Ben & Jerry's behind dumpsters.  I ate it.  I didn't want another one.  I moved on.  Sunday was another day.

I still haven't hit my 5% goal- but I'm thinking soon.  I like this 5% goal stuff.  With so much to lose, I know it's going to take awhile.  The mini goal stuff at least makes me feel like I'm accomplishing something.  Or at least that it's not impossible.

Matt, the leader, talked about teeny tiny losses- as if he were speaking to me directly.  And even though I wish it were going faster, I have to say I'll take the .8 pound a week I've been losing.  Especially if can go to parties, have some wine and enjoy a cheeseburger from time to time.  If I can make it through the holidays and actually lose a few pounds, then I have no doubt that I can breeze through the spring.

So the scale dropped a little more.  It motivated me just a little more. And I keep on going.