Monday, October 24, 2011

Excited about .2 pounds lost

So I've been bitching about only losing a pound a week.  This week I lost .2 pounds.

And I am very happy about it.

You see, in the past 2 weeks, we celebrated our 10 year anniversary, my husband's 40th birthday and I had a client picnic.

Lotsa food.

During that same time period I made good choices, had some fun and still managed to lost weight.  It didn't feel like I was dieting.  It felt like I was done being fat.

Not bad.

When I weighed in, Matt, our group leader, gave me a hug when I was happy about my minimal loss.  And I am.  Normally I would have thrown in the towel.  I'm going on 2 months and have only lost 7 pounds.  And I'm still not quitting.  You know what?  In a year it's going to be 40-50 pounds.  Heck, by my birthday in January, it will be 15-20 pounds. 

I went to Zumba today and overdid it a bit.  I'm starting to learn the moves and may have been slightly overly enthusiastic. Everyone says it works "your core."  I don't have a core. I have an ooey gooey center.

Saturday I'm adding spin back into my life.  Wish me luck on that....

Nothing funny.  Nothing witty.  I'm just trucking along.  Doing my thing.  Losing a few pounds along the way.


  1. It sounds to me like you're living your real life while losing some weight. That's a good indicator of permanent change - a very good thing.

  2. Sounds awesome to me. I need a friend like you here!
