Saturday, June 2, 2012

A New Day, A New Adventure

Today, I went to a demo/intro for Cross Fit.

I think I am going to die.

First, I am not a runner. I tried to train for a 5k a few years ago.  Here's the thing... I don't like it.  You would think I do.  I like to listen to music, time to myself-- seems like a perfect sport for me.  But I have hated it my whole life.  I have asthma and it's always been a hassle. Plus, I just don't like it.  Maybe this will change for me, but I doubt.

With that said, I need to be able to run more than 400m.  Which apparently, I cannot.  That is very, very, very sad.  So yes, running is part of fitness, but I think the reason my brain developed is because my genetic makeup is that I can't outrun the bear, but perhaps I can outsmart it.

Second, I kicked it on the kettle bells.  When I first picked it up I thought "You want me to do WHAT with this?"  Easy.  Tomorrow when I can't move, ask me again. 

Third, I suck at push ups.  I barely got through doing them modified.

So why did I sign up for a program that involves push-ups, running, pull-ups-- all things I suck at?

Because I suck at them.  What I was doing wasn't working and I happily appreciate that other people knew more.  It was time to really step out of the box. 

I was a little taken aback when I was CLEARLY the least fit person in the room.  By a long shot.  The website had said they welcomed people of all fitness levels.  Maybe everyone got into great shape?!?!  One woman who was nice enough to befriend me (fat people were not welcome--- I know the vibe), commented after seeing me do the strength portion easily "Don't let the outsides fool you."  I swear, I very honestly think God puts people in my life at the exact right moment saying the exact right thing.  It's eerie, in fact.  I needed to hear that.  And she was right.  I am a terrible runner.  I will get better.  But I don't suck at everything. 

And here's the thing-- I was there.  I wasn't on the couch. 

Yes, I did ask if they would be serving donuts and coffee during the informational session.  They did not, but they did laugh.

My take on the situation is either this will be the thing for me or it will be too difficult or I won't have the mental tenacity to do it.  I can either be their biggest success story or put this in the pile "Well, I tried it....but I'm not there yet."  For some reason, knowing how I feel at this moment, I think this is the thing for me.  I like that they talk about strength and power- not numbers and points.

Being fit has always been more important to me than being thin.  I focused on losing weight last year.  This year, I am focusing on being fit.  This summer, my focus will be Cross Fit.

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