Sunday, November 6, 2011

"Don't Let a Lapse Become a Collapse"

Don't let a lapse become a collapse- that was the catchphrase that I picked up from today's meeting.  I thought it was pretty good considering the last few weeks have been a little bumpy.  I've had a few "Well, I've already started, why not throw in the towel...." moments.  And I haven't.  While every day hasn't been pretty, I've tracked it all.  Even the Halloween candy.  All of it.

This week I was down 1.2 lbs.  Not bad.  Got rid of the pesky .2 I gained last week, plus another pound.  And my lovely "special time" started last night, so to be honest, I'm surprised I was down anything.

I put on an outfit that I wear regularly and I have to say, it was really loose.  I started tracking my waist measurement as well since the scale is moving oh so slowly. 

I was really happy last Monday when I went to Zumba and one of my back row buddies said "Girl, this is really working for you!"  Made my day.

I would be lying if I said this was getting easier.  I'm at that three month lull.  I thought I would be down much more-- 7.8 pounds in 11 weeks is disappointing to me.  I know it's a loss, and I'm happy I've lost it, but still.... I was hoping for something closer to 20-- after all, that's still less than 2 pounds a week.  It's tiring.  I am committed to this for a year.  After a year, I'll re-evaluate my goals.  If I'm happy where I am, I'll take a break and focus on maintaining wherever I am.  If I'm not but not exhausted with the process, I'll keep at it.  I will most definitely keep going to the meetings at least once a month so I don't gain anything back.  It really does seem to be the key. 

I still get annoyed when people offer me "tips"- like how I should not drink soda or fast food.  I guess if I had a fast food bag in my hand or a soda when they offered this information, it might be useful to know.  Since I actually can't stand soda and eat fast food about once a month, it's really not particularly useful (or solicited) advice.  Or that I should take my work-out's up a notch.  Sure.  That would be great.  It's not like I'm coming off 2 years of back pain and am carrying 80 extra pounds.  Yep, training for a marathon right now would be GREAT.  I'm sure I wouldn't get hurt, burn out or become completely discouraged at ALL. I want to slap them all and say "You know, what I'm doing is actual working. It's slow, but it is working." 

I'm eating healthy foods.  I'm conscience of what I'm eating.  I'm gradually adding in exercise at a level that makes sense for someone of my size and current fitness level.  And I am absolutely going to keep using Weight Watchers because every study shows it works and it is working for me. 

I try to watch "The Biggest Loser" but honestly, it's demotivating to me.  I don't have 3-6 months to exclusively focus on losing weight.  It's a piece of the pie of my life.  I need to come up with really simple, easy things I can do and will stick with.  I am taking a very different approach this time.  Because it's going to be my last time losing weight.  Ever.

The little losses add up.  Just when I'm really getting frustrated, something fits a little looser.  Someone notices. 

Having my friend Ellen showing up every week at the meetings is a big thing, too.  I've tried to work out with friends or diet with friends in the past and it never works.  I always assumed it wouldn't matter anyhow because my commitment was the big deal.  I have to say, having her there, sharing ideas, is making a HUGE difference. 

So that's where I'm at this week.  Still trucking along.  Not terribly enthusiastic this week, but still fully committed.

I will do this.


  1. oh I am so stealing that as my mantra for this whole week.



  2. Having a friend really is very helpful. Just keep trucking. Never give up.
